þriðjudagur, nóvember 08, 2005


I do not love thee, mr. Billy

Let me count the ways:
-you're a conformist
-you're a moral hypocrite
-you support fathers in keeping handguns under their pillows
-you go to war with children
-you're a bit too short of brains for world's most powerful man

AND now you've all of a sudden turned to running-bashing, which is, well, wrong. Especially coming from the guy who invited a columnist from Runner's World Magazine for a visit and a short run in the White House, all the while babbling on about running keeping you physically and mentally fit enough to take on any national crisis. Then, oh, you develope a knee-ache and look, running has become bad for one's health (especially if he's a president). I thought you should know that any serious runner is injured more than once and more than twice. It's a part of the game, growing from our mistakes or bad luck to become better at what we do. That's what living is all about - learning and improving. You've got to pick yourself up and try harder. Limping away whining just doesn't cut it in the long run.

You go girl, let him have it, he deserves it!
Nice quoting there: How do I love thee, let me count the ways. Who wrote it again, I just can't remember.
Anyways thanks for the lovely birthday present, It will be enjoyed for years to come.
And one more thing, you messed with my head there, calling him Billy. I completely forgot his first name, a total block. I remember now, but it took a while.
See ya!
Courtesy of the great Elizebeth Barrett-Browning's 'Sonnets from the Portugease', ma luv - later, taa ;-)
Mér leiðast þriðjudagar!
Mér leiðist kynbundinn launamunur.
ég hata fólk!!
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